Quick measures Quick measures are a capability that allows you to use a drag-and-drop interface to quickly create measures with a minimal amount of code. Quick measures are a great way to not only easily create measures but also learn DAX. You can look at…
Using Q&A in reports and dashboards – Using Data Model Advanced Features
Using Q&A in reports and dashboards An easy way to get started using Q&A is to add the visual to a report. Figure 6.3 – Button to add a Q&A visual to a report The first time this visual is added to a report, you…
Bar and column charts – Creating Reports
Bar and column charts Another set of fundamental visualizations is the bar and column charts. Power BI provides several different bar and column chart visualizations that allow you to present data in different ways using clustered and stacked formats. The stacked bar chart will group…
Combination charts – Creating Reports
Combination charts There are multiple combination chart visuals that pair line and column charts into one visual. This allows you to see multiple values plotted over a common axis. For example, Figure 9.17 shows gross revenue in different product categories over time and shows us…
Gauge chart – Creating Reports
Gauge chart Often, business reports need to tell the report consumer what is happening at a glance. The gauge chart is designed to do just that. Much like a dial you might find on the dashboard of your car, the gauge chart is a semi-circular…
Scatter chart – Creating Reports
Scatter chart A scatter chart is a visual that plots many data points using an x and y axis for typically two categories or variables that you select. Scatter charts are the same as scatter plots, which are often used in statistics for visualizing data….
Q&A visualization – Creating Reports
Q&A visualization The Q&A visual provides a question-and-answer interface that uses natural language processing to generate visual representations of your data. By asking questions in natural language, this makes it easier for report consumers or even report designers to quickly generate insights from the data…
Formatting options for a visualization – Creating Reports
Formatting options for a visualization Each visual will have different options for formatting. The new Visualizations pane separates visual-specific formatting from formatting options that apply to most, if not all, visuals. General formatting In the General formatting option area, you will find the following: Each…
Understanding the capabilities of Power BI – Creating Reports
Understanding the capabilities of Power BI Reporting and visualization capabilities are the core functionalities of Power BI. After sourcing data and modeling the data, you are now well positioned to take full advantage of it. Imagine you want to show your boss gross revenue by…
Step diagnostics – Optimizing Model Performance
Step diagnostics To generate step diagnostics tables, select the step under Applied Steps of the Query Settings pane in Power Query. Then, click Diagnose Step under the Tools tab of the ribbon. Once the diagnostics have executed, you’ll see new diagnostic tables created for just…