Quick measures Quick measures are a capability that allows you to use a drag-and-drop interface to quickly create measures with a minimal amount of code. Quick measures are a great way to not only easily create measures but also learn DAX. You can look at…
Combination charts – Creating Reports
Combination charts There are multiple combination chart visuals that pair line and column charts into one visual. This allows you to see multiple values plotted over a common axis. For example, Figure 9.17 shows gross revenue in different product categories over time and shows us…
Formatting options for a visualization – Creating Reports
Formatting options for a visualization Each visual will have different options for formatting. The new Visualizations pane separates visual-specific formatting from formatting options that apply to most, if not all, visuals. General formatting In the General formatting option area, you will find the following: Each…
Query diagnostics – Optimizing Model Performance
Query diagnostics The query diagnostics tool that is built into Power Query allows us to see additional information related to each operation that Power Query performs. Many times, these Power Query operations will be data refreshes or when data is retrieved the first time; however,…
Top N functions – Creating Measures Using DAX
Top N functions There is nothing in the RANKX function to limit the number of rows returned. We will see in this section how to limit our calculations to the top N. We will start with the easiest way: just asking. Q&Aing our way to…
Optimizing data in the model – Optimizing Model Performance
Optimizing data in the model We’ve covered, in previous chapters, how Power BI supports directly connecting to a data store, such as connecting to an Enterprise Data Warehouse (EDW) that has billions of records and years of sales history. When configured with DirectQuery performance, Power…