Q&A linguistic models A linguistic model is like a regular Power BI data model in that it is a way to describe the data and relationships between columns and tables. A linguistic model also describes the terminology used in a data model. This helps Q&A…
Default summarization – Creating Measures Using DAX
Default summarization It is also important to know that every numeric field has a default summarization that will be applied to it when it is added to a visual in a report. You can see the default summarization for your column in the Column tools…
Optimizing Q&A in data models – Using Data Model Advanced Features
Optimizing Q&A in data models Q&A works best when table relationships are set up so the service can fully understand how data from one table relates to another table. Using the previous example, if the relationship between Customers and Addresses is not set up, then…
Using CALCULATE to manipulate filters – Creating Measures Using DAX
Using CALCULATE to manipulate filters Often, we want to add to or override the filter context of a value. For that, we have the CALCULATE function. This is one of the most important functions to learn to pass the exam. Suppose we want to create…
Date tables – Creating Measures Using DAX
Date tables To get the most out of your time calculations, you need to use the date column from your date table. This will allow for consistency in analysis, can lead to a smaller and faster data model, and allows you to use DAX time…
The ALL function – Creating Measures Using DAX
The ALL function The ALL function instructs the surrounding function to ignore the execution context for the table or column within the function. What if you wanted to know what percentage of gross revenue each product provided? It should add up to 100% however you…
Replacing numeric calculated columns with measures – Creating Measures Using DAX
Replacing numeric calculated columns with measures Calculated columns and measures are different in the way they are stored and calculated within Power BI. When calculated columns are added to a data model, the values are calculated and stored for every row. This means that if…
Implementing top N analysis – Creating Measures Using DAX
Implementing top N analysis People and companies love top N lists. There are whole websites dedicated to The top 10 foods that celebrity data analysts like to eat and Top 25 ways to make your Power BI data model faster. Not really, but I would…
Optimizing measures, relationships, and visuals – Optimizing Model Performance
Optimizing measures, relationships, and visuals Measures in Power BI are driven by DAX queries. To optimize DAX queries (and measures), we must understand how Power BI uses both a Formula Engine (FE) and an SE, which make up the backend technology. Simply put, the SE…
Choosing an appropriate visualization type – Creating Reports
Choosing an appropriate visualization type Power BI offers many options for visualization using out-of-the-box capabilities that are available directly in the Visualizations pane. By selecting the fields you’d like to use in the visualization, you can drag and drop the fields to the various configurations…